اولین و بزرگترین ارائه کننده محصولات شرکت Garmin
ارائه کننده محصولات گارمین در ایران
Showing 201–213 of 213 results
The Pulse Ox sensor1 gauges your blood oxygen
saturation during the day and as you sleep to show
how well your body is absorbing oxygen.
The watch constantly samples your heart rate2
and will alert you if it stays too high or too low while you’re at rest.
It also helps gauge how hard you work during activities — even underwater.
PART NUMBER 010-02730-04
Part Number: 010-02540-61
Part Number: 010-02541-61
PART NUMBER 010-02803-81
Part Number: 010-02700-10
Part Number: 010-02700-12
Part Number: 010-02700-11
Part Number: 010-02701-12
PART NUMBER 010-02701-10
PART NUMBER 010-02701-11
Watch Dragon ball super